Give or pledge

To donate, the best method is a bank transfer. For security reasons, we can’t publish our bank details online, but just send us a quick email to and we will provide the details. Please ensure you use the reference of Project140.

Alternatively, donate by Paypal, Debit or Credit Card by clicking the button below. If you are a UK taxpayer, please click here to complete a gift aid submission form.

Giving and pledge update

We’re aiming to raise £650,000 from church members, alumni and associates (which is one of the three components of our funding plan).

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin£650,000Raised £617,000 towards the £650,000 target.£617,000Raised £617,000 towards the £650,000 target.95%

Pledge your support

To pledge your support to Project 140, please complete the form below. Note: As the church continues to operate, please remember this contribution should be incremental to your regular giving.

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