Community Outreach

Welcoming through our doors

Free english class

These are offered at various points throughout the year. The 1 hr 15-minute classes are well attended, and directed conversation classes are offered at basic, intermediate and advanced levels. The sessions provide friendship and language skills. It helps equip students to engage with British culture, find jobs, chat with neighbours and, for many, it is an introduction to coming to our worship services at Carrubbers.

There is hope

There is Hope runs during the Edinburgh International Festival in August as Carrubbers is transformed into a live music cafe where the Gospel is shared in a direct, yet informal way. Different artists are invited to share their songs, journeys and testimonies and to join us in bringing the hope we have in Jesus to the city of Edinburgh and beyond. Each year around 3,000 people come through our door in just one week.

Christianity explored

Christianity Explored is for anyone who would like to investigate the claims of Christianity, all are very welcome. The course lasts for seven weeks and is designed to be relaxed, informative and helpful. Each week there is a presentation on one key element of the Christian message, and plenty of time for discussion and questions. You’re not asked to pray, sing, or read aloud, and you can ask any question you like. Or, if you prefer, you can come along and simply listen.

Guest nights

On the first Sunday of every month we’ve been having an evening service but with a particular angle towards opening up discussion about contemporary issues through the lens of the gospel. We tackle questions about Human Rights, The Beginning and End of Life, Social Justice, Climate Change and more. Yet, in every question we seek to present people with Christ crucified. We also create a more informal atmosphere so as to open up opportunities for discussion. Rather than a monologue, we break up the talks and give people questions to discuss at their tables. We pray that these nights are catalysts for people’s ongoing evangelism to their friends, family or colleagues who have yet to believe. We are also blessed with terrific musicians who perform songs that seek to open people’s hearts to these questions, not just the minds.

Tackling Poverty in our community

Discovery bible study

Discovery Bible Study is a meeting to which all are welcome and we put our arms around the most vulnerable of society. While having a cup of coffee or tea, we have a Bible study with positive attention to God’s word, followed by a prayer time together. The group meet every week and has done so for many years.


More than a Meal is our Sunday morning breakfast for local homeless and disadvantaged people in Edinburgh allowing for the continued contact of friendship and support. We’ve seen God’s love transform lives over the years, even leading someone to Bible college.

Reaching the next generation

City tots

City Tots provides an opportunity for the little ones to explore a range of toys and (craft) activities and to enjoy Bible Story and a lively song session. There will be space for adults to relax while keeping an eye on their children. Refreshments are provided for both adults and children.

One way club

On Friday nights, our One Way Club is open to children from the church, other churches, and the community around the church building. Songs, games and bible studies in small groups is a great way to end the week.


Every other Saturday, our Exodus ministry offers a more social time together, which encourages the teenagers to bring friends along, develop friendships, support and encourage each other and know they are not alone in their journey as a Christian.


Logos is for our community of students and young adults, committed to studying the Bible and living for Jesus. They meet each week to share a meal, to worship and pray and to dig deep into the Scriptures to discover its treasures. They meet at Carrubbers after the morning service and have some lunch together. Life with God at university and work is the ultimate adventure. At Logos, they want to invest in training for the adventure that lies ahead as they live and speak for Jesus.

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